Best VR/AR Devices from Top one 3C Store for Protective-Cover Knuckle-Strap Vr-Accessories Vr-Touch-Controller-Case Oculus Quest
The most common thing consumers are doing when shopping online Protective-Cover Knuckle-Strap Vr-Accessories Vr-Touch-Controller-Case Oculus Quest is you perhaps guessed this one working. More than 57% of online consumers have shopped at work. Actually there Is a good chance you are working kind of while you are scanning this article. The other well-liked things that online purchasers do when they are shopping happen to be household chores, instore comparison shopping, cooking, dining out and operating errands. Less than 20% of online shoppers have searched while commuting. Thats likely because most people in the U. S. drive to do the job and fewer people use mass transit to travel. But more than 6% of online shoppers have searched while driving and a few in addition to that have shopped online even though exercising. Would everyone be careful. Of all daily activities completed while shopping, people manage to want less distraction although they are walking the dog than at any other time. This ranked lowest of all actions for the time when consumers shop online....Read Detail
Customer reviews:
Date: 16 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
всё встало как влитое. Резина/силикон совершенно без запаха и это очень порадовало. Спасибо продавцу!
Je sais pas comment mettre les dragonnes des protections de manette mais je vais trouver. La protection des lentilles, pareil en moins complexe je crois avoir pigé. J'ai mis les protections de joystick avec un cure dents et même en malmenant le plastique j'ai pas eu de soucis de déchirure ou autre. Franchement sympathiques les produits je recommande c'est de la bonne came. J'ai fait dix commandes différées et c'est ce qui est arrivé le plus vite.
Date: 30 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Аксессуары доставили в Израиль за дней, в целости и сохранности, всё полностью соответствует описанию и фотографиям, качество отличное, на Oculus quest 2 всё подошло идеально, силиконовые чехлы хорошего качества, приятные на ощупь, нет никаких неприятных запахов. Я покупкой очень доволен, рекомендую!!! ( К сожалению фото сделать не могу.)
Date: 01 Mar 2021Logistics: UPS Expedited
Great item for the price, it took only 14 days to arrive which is the fastest to arrive,, in Ireland, happy with the professional and high recommend seller
Date: 16 Jan 2021Logistics: UPS Expedited
Great product, It works well as described. Not sure what the two straps are for that comes with it as I check the product description as well. I will continue to try and figure it out. The grips make a difference and you feel it.
Date: 10 Apr 2021Logistics: SunYou
До Эстонии шло 2 недели. Норм комплект
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 25 Feb 2021Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method - FR
Great product, fast shipping. Good quality and fits like a glove. Thanks!
Date: 27 Feb 2021Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method - ES
Date: 19 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Доброго времени суток, товар пришел через + - 20 дней, это быстро, учитывая то что я живу в Якутии, товар соотвествует описанию, после интенсивной игры пот вытерается легко, товар отслеживался, итог доволен. Товар рекемендую к приобретению
Date: 04 Mar 2021Logistics: UPS Expedited
honest review you guys should know how incredible this is. the quality is good! the silicon face cover for the vr was superb. first of all the part where the gap was between your nose and the vr is not fit by itself but with this, jesus my mind was blown, no more light passes through. that itself was the best thing. do I recommend this? hell yea! paid $15 with taxes and shipping overall. took awhile to arrive but it was all worth it!
Date: 27 Feb 2021Logistics: Cainiao Standard For Special Goods
Защитный чехол на сам "шлем" немного великоват. Сползает туда сюда, перекрывая камеры.
Date: 24 Feb 2021Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method - ES
Kit Completo para gafas Oculus Quest 2, con buena calidad de materiales, bien empaquetado y con envió rápido desde España. Aun no lo he instalado porque no tengo las gafas, pero en breve lo haré. Y pondré fotos y opinión. Recomiendo producto y vendedor.
Date: 04 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Exactly as promised. Arrived really quick. Super happy with this. The face part is much more comfortable than I expected and mainly got it for hygienic reasons for when others use it, but I use it myself often too! It comes with a lot of extra pieces. High quality package.
Date: 13 Jan 2021Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method - ES
todo perfecto, todo encaja como si fuera un producto original, relación calidad precio muy buena. y ha llegado a España muy muy muy rápido.
Date: 24 Jan 2021Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method - ES
La verdad es que me ha sorprendido gratamente, el tacto y la calidad de los grips de los mandos es muy muy bueno
Date: 04 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Очень быстро пришла посылка. Все подошло.
Date: 07 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
The material feels like worse than expected, it is very thin and feels like weak. After putting it on the device it feels a bit better, but the part next to the nose doesn't segregate light completely. I still give it 5 star because the delivery is pretty fast, and the price is ok.
Date: 13 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Reçus en 12 jours en France. Produit au top de très bonne qualité. Je posterai 1 avi supplémentaire après plusieurs utilisations voir la durée de vie. Tres bien protégé pour l'envoi. Merci à vous.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 05 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
구성품 다 잘왔고 냄새도 별로 안나고 잘 맞네요 필요한 구성품을 한번에 살 수 있어서 좋습니다
Date: 11 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping