Selasa, 10 November 2020

Cheap Expansion-Board Bluetooth-Module Flash-8mb Mini32 ESP32-WROVER-B PSRAM 4MB T7 V1.4 Wi-Fi 4000463664054

Expansion-Board Bluetooth-Module Flash-8mb Mini32 ESP32-WROVER-B PSRAM 4MB T7 V1.4 Wi-Fi
Name: Expansion-Board Bluetooth-Module Flash-8mb Mini32 ESP32-WROVER-B PSRAM 4MB T7 V1.4 Wi-Fi
SKU: 4000463664054
Rated 4.9/5
based on 69 Reviews
Shenzhen Duoweisi Tech Co., Ltd.
Price :$ 6.70 In stock
Best Video Games from Shenzhen Duoweisi Tech Co., Ltd. for Expansion-Board Bluetooth-Module Flash-8mb Mini32 ESP32-WROVER-B PSRAM 4MB T7 V1.4 Wi-Fi
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